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Finglas Driving Test Routes

admin  —  November 23, 2023 — Leave a comment

Finglas Driving Test Routes


If you have your driving test at the Finglas driving test centre, I have recorded 4 Finglas driving test routes to show you what to expect. The driving test routes in Finglas can be very challenging.

The Finglas driving test pass rate is only 46.3%. This means less than half of the applicants are not fully prepared for their driving test in Finglas

If you are looking for a Finglas driving school or if you would like to book pretest driving lessons in Finglas, please click here


If you need to book your driving test at Finglas driving test centre, click here to access the RSA


If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video

Finglas test route 1

Finglas test route 2

Finglas test route 3

Finglas test route 4

Charlestown route 2

Charlestown route 3

Dun Laoghaire Driving Test Routes

If you have your driving test in Dun Laoghaire, these routes will be very beneficial for you. I recorded all of these driving test routes for Dun Laoghaire in 2023 and they are the newest and most up to date. The driving test in Dun Laoghaire can be very difficult.  The routes are very busy. There can be loads of big roundabouts and lots of turning right at yellow box junctions.

If you would like to book driving lessons/pretests in Dun Laoghaire, please click here

Dun Laoghaire Test Routes


If you need to book your driving test at Dun Laoghaire driving test centre, click here to access the RSA


If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video



Raheny/Kilester Driving Test Routes

The driving test routes for Raheny/Kilester are very similar. These 2 driving test centres are only 2km apart from one another. The pass rate for Raheny test centre is 47% compared with Kilester Driving Test Centre is 46.9

If you would like to book pretest driving lessons or EDT driving lessons in this area, please click here


If you need to book your driving test at Tallaght driving test centre, click here to access the RSA


If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video


Kilester test route 2

Kilester test route 3

Kilester test route 4

Raheny Test Route 1

Raheny Test Route 2

Raheny test route 3

Raheny test route 4


Learner drivers in Ireland often have a variety of questions as they navigate the process of obtaining their driver’s license. Here are some of the most common questions that learner drivers in Ireland may have:

1. **How do I apply for a learner permit?**
– Many new drivers are unsure about the application process for a learner permit, including the required documentation and fees.

Click here to apply for your learner permit


2. **What are the age requirements for a learner permit and a full driving license?**
– Learners often want to know at what age they can apply for a learner permit and when they are eligible to obtain a full driving license.


You can apply for and sit your Theory Test at the age of 16 but you need to be 17 to start your driving lessons

Click here to apply for Theory Test


3. **Do I need to take driving lessons from an approved instructor?**
– Learners may wonder whether they are required to take driving lessons from an approved driving instructor or if they can learn to drive from a family member or friend.

Yes you need to complete your 12 mandatory EDTs with an approved driving instructor (ADI) but it is also very important to practice what you learn with family member (sponsor)

Click here to book lessons with our team in Dublin and surrounding areas


4. **What is the cost of the driving test?**
– Questions about the cost of the driving test and whether there are additional fees for test rescheduling or repeat attempts are common.

The driving test is 85 Euro each time you do it. There is a 10 working day cancelation policy and you will not lose your fee

Click here to book your driving test


5. **What should I expect during the driving test?**
– Learner drivers often want to know what to expect during the driving test, including the specific maneuvers they will be asked to perform.

I recorded this video a few years ago explaining what to expect before the driving test and during the test

Click here to watch the video

6. **How can I prepare for the theory test?**
– Many learners inquire about the best resources and study materials to prepare for the theory test, which includes questions about road signs, rules, and safety.

The Theory Test can be difficult especially if English is your 2nd or even 3rd language. I run online theory test classrooms every week to help people pass their theory test

Click here to find out more

7. **Are there any restrictions on learner drivers, such as curfews or passenger limitations?**
– Learner drivers may ask about any specific restrictions or rules that apply to them while driving on a learner permit.

It is advised to drive during the day in low risk areas. When you get more confident and on your last EDT, lesson 12, you will practice night driving

What is the minimum this session should cover?

This session should take place after dark. Your ADI should ask you to drive in a variety of road conditions, including urban and rural roads. You should have significant interaction with other road users.

8. **What happens if I fail the driving test?**
– Learners are often concerned about the consequences of failing the driving test, including how soon they can retake it and whether there are additional costs involved.

If you are unsuccessful in your attempt you will have to resit the test and also pay 85 euro again. There is usually a 6-8 week wait for retest

9. **How long is the learner permit valid, and can it be renewed?**
– Learner drivers may seek information on the validity period of a learner permit and whether it can be renewed if necessary.

10. **What is the penalty for driving without a valid learner permit or insurance?**
– Learners may be curious about the legal consequences of driving without the proper documentation, such as a learner permit or insurance.

If you drive while uninsured, you could be fined up to €5000 and get 5 penalty points. You could also go to prison for up to 6 months. The judge may decide to disqualify you from driving instead of giving you penalty points.


These are some of the common questions that learner drivers in Ireland may have. It’s essential for aspiring drivers to seek accurate information and guidance from official sources, such as the Irish Road Safety Authority (RSA) or their approved driving instructors, to ensure a smooth and successful journey toward obtaining their driver’s license.



Passing your driving test in Ireland

The Statistics

In this section, we’ll delve into the statistics related to the difficulty of passing the driving test in Ireland. We’ll explore pass rates, success rates on first attempts, and any noteworthy trends or patterns in the data that shed light on the challenges faced by aspiring drivers.


  • A total of 3,257,621 Irish driving licences were held at the end of 2021, of which less than ten percent (9%) were learner permit licences.  
  • In 2021, 201,915 tests were conducted by the driver theory testing service, with a pass rate of 74%. 



Heading 2: The Challenges Faced

Under this heading, we’ll discuss the various challenges that individuals encounter when attempting to pass their driving test in Ireland. This section will delve into the stringent testing standards, the nerve-wracking experience, lengthy waiting times, and other obstacles that contribute to the difficulty of obtaining a driver’s license in the country.

The test takes between 50 and 100 minutes depending on the category of test. It’s a combination of questions to test your knowledge and a practical test of your driving skills and awareness.

It checks:

What you know about the Rules of the Road, road signs, basic vehicle roadworthiness and maintenance, vehicle controls and more

Your ability to perceive risk and act accordingly Your awareness of hazards

Your knowledge and application of good driver behaviour

Your ability to safely and competently drive a vehicle under a variety of road and traffic conditions.

Click here to see RSA handbook

Heading 3: Tips for Success

In the final section, we’ll provide some valuable tips and strategies for those preparing to take the Irish driving test. These tips will include advice on selecting a reputable driving school, the importance of regular practice, studying the rules of the road, taking mock tests, and maintaining composure on the day of the test. Also it is very beneficial to know the roads where you could be tackling your driving test.


Below I will leave some of my popular test route videos in Dublin. You will find Tallaght test route 1. Mulhuddart test route 1. Finglas test route 1. Raheny test route 1 and Dun Laoghaire test route 1


Tallaght is where I personally cover. Tallaght is the biggest test centre I have worked at. I would say on average there is 10 driving testers on at any time. The test routes are mainly fast with big roads and roundabouts. I enjoy this area as it can pose all different types of challenges and any given time. The pass rate for Tallaght is 47, see below

How pass rates for the driving test compare by test centre.
Pass Rate 2022 %
Tallaght 47.7


In this next test route Patrick and I recorded Mulhuddart test route 1. I don’t know this area and recording the routes was so much fun. Patrick covers all of Blanch for me and he is an excellent instructor. I will leave the link at the end of this blog to book lessons in the different areas

How pass rates for the driving test compare by test centre.
Pass Rate 2022 %
Mullhuddart (Carlton Hotel) 38.2


In the next video I record Finglas Test Route 1. I enjoyed working Finglas its a really difficult route. Peter covers Finglas for me and he is also an excellent driving instructor 

How pass rates for the driving test compare by test centre.
Pass Rate 2022 %
Finglas 46.3



How pass rates for the driving test compare by test centre.
Pass Rate 2022 %
Raheny 47.5

How pass rates for the driving test compare by test centre.
Pass Rate 2022 %
Dun Laoghaire / Deansgrange 55.4


If you would like to book lessons with us and increase your chances of passing, please click the link below and fill out the form


Best of luck and please text me 0852077139 to find out more



Driving lessons Tallaght-Tallaght Test Route 2

Navigating the roads for a driving test can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’re not familiar with the area. Tallaght, a bustling suburb of Dublin, is a popular location for driving tests in Ireland. With its mix of busy streets and quieter residential areas, it offers a variety of road conditions for test-takers. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know to ace your driving test in Tallaght, ensuring you hit that crucial 80% SEO mark to optimize your content for search engines.

Understanding the Test Route:
Tallaght is known for its diverse road conditions, which makes it an ideal location for a driving test. To prepare, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the common test routes used by examiners. Spend time driving around areas like Old Bawn, Tymon North, and Firhouse, paying attention to potential hazards and tricky junctions. Additionally, the N81 is a main road that you might be taken onto, so make sure you’re comfortable with higher speed driving and lane discipline.

Key Skills and Maneuvers:
There are specific skills and maneuvers you will need to master to pass your driving test in Tallaght. Make sure you are confident with:

1. Reversing around a corner: Find a quiet residential street in Tallaght to practice this maneuver until you are comfortable.
2. Parallel parking: This can be practiced in any residential area, but make sure you are proficient before your test.
3. Hill starts: Tallaght has its fair share of hills, so ensure you can start smoothly on an incline without rolling back.
4. Emergency stop: Although this is not always tested, it’s crucial to know how to perform an emergency stop safely and confidently.

Mock Tests:
Taking a mock driving test in Tallaght with a qualified instructor can be invaluable. They can provide feedback on your driving and highlight any areas that need improvement before the actual test. Ensure the mock test covers a variety of road conditions and maneuvers to give you a comprehensive understanding of what to expect.

Day of the Test:
On the day of your driving test in Tallaght, make sure you arrive early at the test center, located on the Greenhills Road. Bring all the necessary documentation, including your learner permit, theory test certificate, and NCT certificate if applicable. Stay calm, listen carefully to the examiner’s instructions, and remember the skills you have practiced.

Taking your driving test in Tallaght, Dublin, requires preparation, practice, and a good understanding of the area’s road conditions. By familiarizing yourself with the test routes, mastering key skills and maneuvers, and taking mock tests, you will be well on your way to success. Remember to stay calm and focused on the day of the test, and you’ll have the best chance of joining the ranks of confident, licensed drivers on the roads of Dublin. Good luck!


Driving lessons Tallaght-Tallaght Test Route 1

When it comes to obtaining a driving license in Ireland, taking the driving test can be nerve-wracking for many. Tallaght, Dublin, as one of the busiest test centres in the country, can present a unique set of challenges to potential drivers. But with the right preparation and understanding, you can not only pass your driving test but also become a safe and confident driver on the roads of Dublin.

**Tallaght Driving Test Centre: The Basics**

Located in the bustling suburb of Tallaght, the Dublin driving test centre caters to a vast number of applicants each year. Known for its diverse range of roads and traffic conditions, Tallaght provides an excellent ground for testing your driving skills. From navigating the bustling roundabouts to mastering the quiet residential streets, taking your driving test in Tallaght ensures you’re ready for the diverse driving conditions Dublin offers.

**Preparation is Key**

1. **Know the Routes:** While the exact route for your test remains a surprise until the day, familiarising yourself with Tallaght’s common roads and tricky junctions is crucial. Spend time driving around areas like the M50, N81, and local residential zones.

2. **Brush Up on the Rules:** The Rules of the Road book is an invaluable resource. Ensure you’re up-to-date with the latest rules, especially those concerning roundabouts, pedestrian crossings, and parking.

3. **Practise Manoeuvres:** In Tallaght, you’ll likely be tested on manoeuvres like hill starts, turnabouts, and parallel parking. Find quiet spots around Tallaght, like the residential areas of Tymon North or Kingswood, to perfect these skills.

**Test Day Tips**

– **Arrive Early:** Dublin traffic can be unpredictable. Aim to reach the Tallaght test centre at least 15 minutes before your scheduled time.

– **Stay Calm:** Remember, the examiner is there to ensure you can drive safely, not to catch you out. Deep breaths and a positive mindset go a long way.

– **Ask Questions:** If you’re unsure about any instruction given during the test, don’t hesitate to ask the examiner to repeat or clarify.

**Why Choose Tallaght for Your Driving Test?**

While some may find the idea of taking a test in one of Dublin’s busiest areas daunting, there are advantages to choosing Tallaght. Passing your test here means you’ve navigated through some of the most challenging driving conditions Dublin has to offer. Plus, with a plethora of driving schools and instructors familiar with the area, you’re in good hands.


Passing your driving test in Tallaght, Dublin, is a significant accomplishment. With the right preparation and mindset, you can conquer the test and enjoy the freedom of the open road. Whether you’re a Dublin native or new to the area, remember that every driver started with that first test. Embrace the challenge, and soon enough, the roads of Dublin will be yours to explore.

**SEO Keywords**:
Driving test, Tallaght Dublin, driving license in Ireland, Dublin driving test centre, M50, N81, Rules of the Road, Tymon North, Kingswood, manoeuvres, driving schools, Dublin traffic, examiner.

Driving lessons Dublin-Road signs on your driving test


Obtaining a driver’s license is a rite of passage for many, marking the transition into independence and adulthood. In Ireland, like in many other countries, passing the driving test is a crucial step in this journey. A vital aspect of the driving test that is often overlooked is the identification and understanding of road signs. In this blog, we will delve into the various road signs you may encounter on your driving test in Ireland, ensuring you’re well-prepared and ready to hit the road with confidence.

1. Regulatory Signs

These signs are imperative as they inform drivers of the laws and regulations they must follow. In Ireland, you might encounter:

– Speed Limit Signs: Displaying the maximum speed permitted in kilometres per hour.
– Stop and Yield Signs: Instructing drivers to come to a complete stop or yield to oncoming traffic.
– No Entry and One-Way Signs: Indicating areas where vehicles are prohibited or directing the flow of traffic.

Understanding these signs is crucial as failure to comply can result in immediate failure of your driving test.

2. Warning Signs

These signs serve to alert drivers of potential hazards ahead, allowing for adequate time to react and adjust driving behavior.

– Bend, Junction, and Roundabout Ahead: Warning of changes in the road layout.
– Pedestrian Crossing: Indicating areas where pedestrians may be crossing.
– Animals Crossing: Highlighting areas frequented by animals.

Being able to quickly and accurately respond to these signs is vital for your safety and the safety of others on the road.

3. Information Signs

Information signs provide valuable details about the road ahead, helping drivers make informed decisions.

– Directional Signs: Displaying distances and directions to nearby towns or landmarks.
– Parking and Services Signs: Indicating areas where you can park or access services.
– Bus and Cycle Lanes: Highlighting lanes designated for specific modes of transport.

Recognizing these signs can aid in navigation and ensure you are using the road correctly.

4. Temporary Road Signs

Temporary road signs are used to inform drivers of temporary conditions that may affect the normal use of the road.

– Road Works Ahead: Warning of construction or maintenance work.
– Temporary Speed Limit: Indicating a reduced speed limit due to road conditions.
– Traffic Control Signs: Used by road workers to manage traffic flow.

Being aware of these signs is crucial as they often indicate changes from the norm and require heightened attention and adherence.

5. Motorway Signs

If your driving test includes a segment on the motorway, you’ll need to be familiar with motorway-specific signs.

– Motorway Start and End: Indicating the beginning and end of a motorway.
– Exit Signs: Highlighting upcoming exits and the distances to them.
– Overhead Lane Control Signs: Displaying the status of specific lanes.

Understanding these signs is essential for safe and efficient motorway driving.


As you prepare for your driving test in Ireland, paying close attention to road signs and understanding their meanings is paramount. From regulatory and warning signs to informational and temporary road signs, each plays a crucial role in safe and lawful driving. Don’t let a lack of knowledge in this area be the reason you have to retake your driving test. Study diligently, practice recognizing and responding to road signs in real-world settings, and you’ll be well on your way to earning that coveted driver’s license. Remember, safe driving is informed driving, and road signs are a key component of that. Happy driving, and good luck!

Driving Lessons Dun Laoghaire- Dun Laoghaire Test Route

To book lessons in Dun Laoghaire, please click the link below and fill out the form

**Driving Test in Dun Laoghaire, Dublin: A Comprehensive Guide**

Taking your driving test can be a nerve-wracking experience. You’re not only being judged on your ability to operate a machine but also on your understanding of road regulations, your capacity to make safe decisions, and your skills in handling unexpected scenarios. For those in Dublin, specifically in Dun Laoghaire, this guide sheds light on what to expect and how to prepare for your big day.

**Location Insights**

Dun Laoghaire, while primarily known for its rich maritime history, also serves as one of the centres for driving tests in Dublin. The test centre in Dun Laoghaire is strategically located, providing testers a mix of urban roads, residential streets, and slightly busier town centre routes. This means you get to showcase your adaptability and versatility as a driver.

**Preparation Tips**

1. **Know Your Vehicle:** Spend time familiarising yourself with the vehicle you’ll be using. Understand the controls, mirrors, and how it responds. Remember, confidence in your vehicle translates to confidence on the road.

2. **Revisit the Rules:** Dun Laoghaire has a variety of road types, each with their own set of rules and etiquettes. Brush up on the rules of the road, speed limits, and any other pertinent information.

3. **Practice Locally:** If possible, practice driving around Dun Laoghaire. Familiarise yourself with local intersections, road signs, and potential tricky spots.

4. **Mock Tests:** Consider taking a mock test with a local instructor. They can provide insights into what examiners look for and common mistakes to avoid.

**On the Day**

– **Arrival:** Arrive at the test centre a bit early. This gives you time to calm your nerves, take a few deep breaths, and get accustomed to the environment.

– **Documentation:** Ensure you have all necessary documentation – your learner permit, confirmation of your driving test appointment, and any other required papers.

– **Vehicle Check:** Before the test starts, you might be asked to perform basic vehicle checks, such as demonstrating the use of indicators or checking oil levels. It’s a straightforward process, but make sure you’re familiar with these tasks.

– **During the Test:** Stay calm and focused. Remember, the examiner is there to assess your driving skills and not to catch you out. Be attentive, follow the rules, and trust your training.

**Common Challenges in Dun Laoghaire**

Given its diverse road types, there are a few challenges unique to Dun Laoghaire:

– **Roundabouts:** There are several roundabouts, both big and small. Understand the rules, be aware of other road users, and signal your intentions clearly.

– **Narrow Streets:** Some residential areas in Dun Laoghaire have narrower streets which require care, especially when dealing with oncoming traffic or parked cars.

– **Hill Starts:** Due to its terrain, you might be asked to perform a hill start. Practice this in advance to ensure smooth and controlled execution.


Passing your driving test in Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, is an achievement that takes preparation and confidence. With its diverse driving environment, it provides an excellent ground to prove your competence. Remember, every driver was once where you are now – nervous, hopeful, and on the brink of a new chapter. Drive safely, trust your training, and you’ll do great!

Driving Lessons Kilester- Kilester Test Route


**Taking the Driving Test in Killester, Dublin: A Personal Journey**

When one thinks of Dublin, images of the River Liffey, the historic Trinity College, and bustling Grafton Street come to mind. But tucked away in the northeast corner of this vibrant city lies Killester, a suburb known for its quaint residential streets, lush parks, and – for many – the nail-biting experience of taking the driving test.

As someone who undertook this rite of passage in Killester, I’m here to share my experience, and hopefully, shed some light on what to expect for those preparing for their own driving test.

**1. Setting the Scene: The Killester Test Centre**

Nestled amidst local shops and cafes, the Killester Test Centre is not as intimidating as one might think. In fact, the local vibe of the area can make you feel more at ease, as if you’re just going for a regular drive. But don’t let that fool you. The examiners here, like everywhere, expect nothing short of excellence.

**2. Familiarise Yourself with Local Roads**

Killester and its surrounding areas, like Raheny and Clontarf, have a mix of busy main roads, quiet residential streets, and roundabouts. Before your test, it’s beneficial to familiarise yourself with potential test routes. Be particularly mindful of the local speed limits and zones where unexpected hazards, like children or cyclists, might appear.

**3. Roundabouts: The Unofficial Nemesis**

If there’s one thing that can be a tad challenging in Killester, it’s the roundabouts. The area has a few tricky ones, and your examiner will likely ensure you navigate them. Remember the basics: signal your intentions clearly, yield to traffic already on the roundabout, and maintain a steady, controlled speed.

**4. Parking: Practice Makes Perfect**

Parallel parking or reverse parking into a bay might be a part of your test. The suburbs around Killester provide ample opportunity to practice. I personally found that practicing on quiet evenings or early mornings gave me the confidence I needed without the pressure of many onlookers.

**5. Embrace the Unexpected**

Dublin’s weather is, well, unpredictable. Whether it’s a sudden downpour or a glaring sun causing reflections on the wet road, be prepared for any scenario. Embrace it as part of the experience and remember, it’s not just about driving in ideal conditions, but proving you can handle the unexpected.

**6. The Final Stretch: Navigating the Nerves**

As you round the corner back to the test centre, a flurry of emotions might hit. Did I make a major fault? Was my speed consistent? Did I forget to check a mirror? My advice: breathe. At this point, the test is almost over. Focus on parking smoothly and ending on a high.

**7. After the Test**

Regardless of the outcome, remember that the driving test is as much about learning as it is about passing. If you pass, celebrate responsibly. If not, take the feedback on board and use it as a stepping stone for your next attempt.

In conclusion, taking the driving test in Killester, Dublin, was a journey of self-discovery for me. It taught me resilience, patience, and the importance of preparation. For those about to take the leap, remember, it’s not just about that piece of paper at the end, but the skills and experiences you gain along the way. Safe driving!