Raheny/Kilester Driving Test Routes

admin  —  November 23, 2023 — Leave a comment

Raheny/Kilester Driving Test Routes

The driving test routes for Raheny/Kilester are very similar. These 2 driving test centres are only 2km apart from one another. The pass rate for Raheny test centre is 47% compared with Kilester Driving Test Centre is 46.9

If you would like to book pretest driving lessons or EDT driving lessons in this area, please click here


If you need to book your driving test at Tallaght driving test centre, click here to access the RSA


If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video


Kilester test route 2

Kilester test route 3

Kilester test route 4

Raheny Test Route 1

Raheny Test Route 2

Raheny test route 3

Raheny test route 4



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