Archives For Driving Lessons

Raheny Driving Test Centre-Tips To Pass
5 Tips To Help You Pass Your Driving Test At Raheny Driving Test Centre
In today’s video I will be showing you 5 tips to help you pass your driving test at Raheny driving test centre. The driving test in Raheny can be very challenging. Lots of people fail their driving test in Raheny for not knowing these tips. Take a look at the video below to see the tips and tricks to help you pass your driving test at Raheny driving test route.
Book your Driving Lessons in Raheny

If you would like to book driving lesson for the Raheny driving test route, please click here

1. Turning right at the traffic lights at Artane

To start with, in this Raheny test route 2024 video, we talk about turning right at the traffic lights at Artane. This right turn at the traffic light causes so many people to fail their driving test in Raheny driving test centre. In addition, driving test applicants generally fail their driving test for “progress at traffic lights” for failing to go up to the middle of the junction when they have a full green light. Therefore, turning right at traffic lights like this can be so confusing and I will add a video below to help explain how to do this correctly.

Moreover, you can click here to read the RSA marking sheet guidelines and read the section for progress and section’s A,B and C cover progress at traffic lights

2. Mini roundabouts around Raheny driving test routes
Secondly, we will be talking about the mini roundabouts around Raheny driving test routes. The driving test routes in Raheny have so many mini roundabouts. The mini roundabouts around the Raheny driving test route causes lots of problems. The mini roundabouts from the video above are only a small few of them. The reason why I added these mini roundabouts to the video was because I was demonstrating how narrow they are and explaining that I am using 1st gear when I turn right at the mini roundabouts at Raheny driving test routes.
3. The Artane roundabout.
In the third clip of Raheny driving test route-tips to pass video we talk about the Artane roundabout. So many driving test applicants fail their driving test in Raheny driving test centre for “position at roundabouts” for being in the wrong lane when driving straight through the roundabout, second exit. In the video, I explain about the road markings and how to know what lane you are supposed to be in. 
If you want to pass your driving test at Raheny driving test centre, why not join my YouTube membership program. In the membership, I explain exactly what the driving tester at Raheny test centre wants to see you do. Click here to see more.
4. The turnabout for Raheny driving test route.
The turnabout I added to the Raheny driving test route-tips to pass video, is an extremely narrow road. I completed the turnabout in this Raheny test route in 5 attempts. This has never happened to me before in any driving test route I recorded. I wasn’t happy with my parking before this turnabout so I you do your turnabout here in a Raheny driving test route, be sure to park close to the curb, otherwise you won’t have enough space to complete the turnabout manoeuvre in 3 attempts. Check the video below to see the turnabout in great detail.
5. Turning right onto the coast road from Raheny driving test centre.
Last but not least, I want to show you this really confusing right turn coming from Raheny driving test centre. Turning right at the traffic lights here causes so much confusion for driving test applicants at Raheny test centre because sometimes the other drivers want to go offside to offside and sometimes they want to drive nearside to nearside. This is the only junction at Raheny test centre where this can happen. I usually tell students “let the other car make the move first, and you do as they are doing.”
The clip I have taking for the Raheny Driving Test Route-Tips To Pass video is taken from my YouTube Membership program. Click Here if you want to know how to pass your driving test at Raheny driving test centre.
To conclude, this driving test route at Raheny driving test centre is extremely difficult and I recommend getting plenty of practice in to be prepared for your driving test at Raheny driving test centre.
Pass rate at Raheny driving test centre.
How pass rates for the driving test compare by test centre.
Pass Rate 2022 %
Raheny 47.5

Book your driving test in Raheny Driving Test Centre

If you need to book your driving test at Raheny driving test centre, click here to access the RSA website.


Do you need help booking your driving test?

If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video.


Book driving lessons in Raheny.

You can click here to book driving lessons in Raheny for Raheny driving test centre.


Book pretest driving lessons in Raheny.

You can click here to book pretest driving lessons in Raheny for Raheny driving test centre.

Finglas Driving Test Route-Tips To Pass


Today’s video I will be showing you 5 tips to help you pass your driving test in Finglas driving test centre. The driving test at Finglas Jamestown Road is considered to be one of the harder driving test routes. There are multiple different driving test routes in Finglas and it’s hard to predict where the driving tester could take you in Finglas. Take a look at the video below showing you 5 of the top tips to help you pass your driving test at Finglas driving test centre.

If you would like to book driving lessons in Finglas, click the link below and fill out the form and we will do the rest

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1.Charlestown Shopping Centre

So many people fail their driving test in Finglas test centre for this alone. The driving tester would expect to see you come into the left hand lane but it can be difficult to know that because of the road layout. Remember in your driving test, the left hand lane would be the preferred lane. You can read the full break down of the marking sheet guidelines on the link below

Click here 


2.Mini roundabouts in Finglas at Ballygall Parade

Next we are going to talk about the mini roundabouts at Ballygall Parade. These mini roundabouts are extremely narrow and you will need to use all your skills to get around them safely. I do recommend using 1st gear for these mini roundabouts, especially when we are turning to the right. If you want to see the full Finglas test route where I tackle these mini roundabouts, you can watch the Finglas driving test route below


3.Turning Right At Traffic Lights into Ballymun

Next I will be showing you the junction where we will be turning right into Ballymun. Turning right at the yellow box junctions always causes driving test applicants problems. Applicants usually fail their driving test for progress at traffic lights for not going up to the middle of the junction at a green circle light. I created a video explaining exactly what to do when turning right at traffic lights, you can see the video below


4.Turning Right Onto The Ballymun Road

Next we will show you the correct way to turn onto the Ballymun road. People often fail their driving test for not doing this correctly. If you steer too early and drive in the right lane, will will get a grade 2 fault for position turning right. If you drive in the right lane for a short period of time you will get a grade 2 for position on the straight. If you continue to drive in the right lane you will pick up more grade 2 faults for position on the straight and you could fail your driving test if you get 4 grade 2 faults for the same thing


5. Reverse Around The Corner At Dunsink Avenue

In my opinion, this is the most difficult reverse around the corner I have ever done. It is on a busy road with lots of passing traffic. Also, the reverse itself seems to go on forever. It bends around a lot longer than most reverse around the corners and it never seems to straighten up. I recommend practicing this if you have your driving test in Finglas or Charlestown driving test centre.


The pass rate at Finglas driving test centre is 43.6%. You can check this webpage on the link below

Click here


If you want to book your driving test at Finglas driving test centre for the Finglas driving test routes, you can click below

Click here


If you need help booking your driving test in Finglas driving test centre, click below

Click here




Kilester Driving Test Centre
5 Tips To Help You Pass Your Driving Test At Kilester Driving Test Centre
In today’s video I will be showing you 5 tips to help you pass your driving test at Kilester driving test centre. The driving test in Kilester can be very challenging. Lots of people fail their driving test in Kilester for not knowing these tips. Take a look at the video below to see the tips and tricks to help you at Kilester driving test route.
Book your Driving Lessons in Kilester

If you would like to book driving lesson for the Kilester driving test route, please click here


1. Turning right at the traffic lights beside Kilester test centre.

In the very first clip in the video above, I show you how to turn right at the traffic lights near Kilester test centre. People generally get really confused here and students never know the speed limit on the new road. Remember, if we dont see a new speed limit sign, the speed limit is the same as the last road you were on. This road will be 50kmph

2. Grade 2 fault for observation on a roundabout
Next I show you were students generally pick up grade 2 marks for observation on the roundabout in Kilester test route. We can see in the second clip, we approached a mini roundabout with no road out to the right. The driving tester in Kilester will still expect you to look out to the right, even if there is no road. Observation at the roundabout is always the same, we need to look to the right
3. Driving in the cycle lane in Raheny village.
In the third clip for 5 tips to help you pass your driving test in kilester, I show you were you would be expected to drive in the cycle lane in Raheny Village. Because this cycle lane has a broken white line, all traffic may make temporary use of the cycle lane. On your driving test in Kilester, the tester may advise you do this if you don’t know.
4. Turning right at the yellow box junction
Turning right at the yellow box junction can be extremely tricky. This right turn in Kilester test route often catches students out just because it is an extremely fast and busy right turn. Check the video below to explain how to turn right at the yellow box junction below
5. Turning right at Kilbarrack Dart Station
Last but not least I show you how to do this extremely difficult right turn at Kilbarrack Dart Station. So man people fail their driving test here for cutting the corner and driving over these road markings. It is so unusual and really confusing if its your first time doing this turn. Click the link below to see the location on this right turn on google maps

Book your driving test in Kilester Driving Test Centre

If you need to book your driving test at Kilester driving test centre, click here to access the RSA


Do you need help booking your driving test?

If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video

EDT Driving lessons Blanchardstown
Are you thinking about booking EDT driving lessons in Blanchardstown? Booking your driving lessons in Blanchardstown has never been easier. If you fill in the link on the line below, I will personally reply to your query and have a driver to you within 2 weeks. 
1. Book your Driving Lessons in Blanchardstown

If you would like to book driving lesson for the Blanchardstown driving test route, please click here


2. Book your driving test in Blanchardstown

If you need to book your driving test at Blanchardstown driving test centre, click here to access the RSA


3. Do you need help booking your driving test?

If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video


4. Helpful video below of Patrick and I recording Mulhuddart Driving Test 1


Tallaght Driving Test routes

If you have your driving test in Tallaght, these routes will be very beneficial for you. I recorded all of these routes in 2023 and they are the newest and most up to date. The driving test in Tallaght can be very difficult.  The routes are very busy. There can be loads of big roundabouts and lots of turning right at yellow box junctions.

If you would like to book lessons/pretest in Tallaght, please click here


If you need to book your driving test at Tallaght driving test centre, click here to access the RSA


If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video


Directions to Tallaght Driving Test Centre


Tallaght test route 2

Tallaght test route 3

Tallaght test route 4

Tallaght test route 5

Book A Mock Driving Test Dublin-Mock Driving Tests Dublin


Booking a mock driving test a few days before your actually driving test can be very beneficial to you. In these mock test lessons we act as tho you are doing your actual driving test and I only give you directions instead on instructions.

I would recommend doing a pretest or 2 before booking one of these mock test lessons because you don’t really learn much on the drive and I tell you the faults at the end. It can be hard to remember certain things by the time the end of the lesson comes around.

I hope you enjoy these mock test videos below. I recorded all these for Tallaght driving test centre in Dublin.

If you would like to book lessons/pretest in Dublin please click here




Tallaght Driving Test Routes

If you need to book your driving test at Tallaght driving test centre, click here to access the RSA


If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video


Directions to Tallaght Driving Test Centre


Finglas Driving Test Routes

admin  —  November 23, 2023 — Leave a comment

Finglas Driving Test Routes


If you have your driving test at the Finglas driving test centre, I have recorded 4 Finglas driving test routes to show you what to expect. The driving test routes in Finglas can be very challenging.

The Finglas driving test pass rate is only 46.3%. This means less than half of the applicants are not fully prepared for their driving test in Finglas

If you are looking for a Finglas driving school or if you would like to book pretest driving lessons in Finglas, please click here


If you need to book your driving test at Finglas driving test centre, click here to access the RSA


If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video

Finglas test route 1

Finglas test route 2

Finglas test route 3

Finglas test route 4

Charlestown route 2

Charlestown route 3

Dun Laoghaire Driving Test Routes

If you have your driving test in Dun Laoghaire, these routes will be very beneficial for you. I recorded all of these driving test routes for Dun Laoghaire in 2023 and they are the newest and most up to date. The driving test in Dun Laoghaire can be very difficult.  The routes are very busy. There can be loads of big roundabouts and lots of turning right at yellow box junctions.

If you would like to book driving lessons/pretests in Dun Laoghaire, please click here

Dun Laoghaire Test Routes


If you need to book your driving test at Dun Laoghaire driving test centre, click here to access the RSA


If you need any additional help with the booking process, click here for a helpful video




admin  —  February 26, 2022 — Leave a comment

ADM Driving School

admin  —  March 29, 2020 — Leave a comment

Automatic Driving Lessons in Raheny and Kilester

So many happy students passing their driving test in Raheny and Kilester. 

It does fill me with joy seeing all these smiling faces. The road to your full license can have lots of ups and downs but when we follow the process, we always get you there in the end.

If you would like to book automatic driving lessons in Raheny or Kilester areas, you can reach me on 0852077139