Finglas Driving Test Route

admin  —  March 5, 2024 — Leave a comment

Finglas Driving Test Route


Today’s video I will be showing you 5 tips to help you pass your driving test in Finglas driving test centre. The driving test at Finglas Jamestown Road is considered to be one of the harder driving test routes. There are multiple different driving test routes in Finglas and it’s hard to predict where the driving tester could take you in Finglas. Take a look at the video below showing you 5 of the top tips to help you pass your driving test at Finglas driving test centre.

If you would like to book driving lessons in Finglas, click the link below and fill out the form and we will do the rest

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1. Turning left at Clancy corner

If you turn right as you come out the gate at Finglas test centre, there is a high possibility that you will take the first left onto Clancy Avenue. This left turn strikes fear into students because it is so sharp and you have to slow it all the way down and use 1st gear. Even when you do this, there is a high possibility that you could clip the path with your rear left wheel so this turn takes a lot of practice to be able to perfect it


2.Turning right down through Finglas Village

Next I show you how to turn right down through Finglas Village. In my opinion, this is the hardest right turn at any driving test centre I have ever done. It is extremely difficult because it is always so busy in Finglas village and it is actually the second right turn you will see. Be very careful here as other road users will try to overtake you on the outside lane. I covered this full driving test route in Finglas and you can see that Finglas Test Route below


3.Mini roundabouts in Finglas

Next James fills us in on all the mini roundabouts in Finglas driving test routes. I covered so many mini roundabouts in my videos for Finglas test centre and you will see all of these videos and the bottom of this post or on my Youtube.


4.Charlestown Shopping Centre

So many people fail their driving test in Finglas test centre for this alone. The driving tester would expect to see you come into the left hand lane but it can be difficult to know that because of the road layout. Remember in your driving test, the left hand lane would be the preferred lane. You can read the full break down of the marking sheet guidelines on the link below

Click here 


5.Roundabout on N2 at Lidl

Last we talk about the big roundabout on the N2 at Lidl. This roundabout causes a lot of uncertainty in learner drivers just because of the size of it and the volume of traffic using it. When tackling this roundabout you have to be alert and ready to pounce at the first safe gap in the traffic


The pass rate at Finglas driving test centre is 43.6%. You can check this webpage on the link below

Click here


If you want to book your driving test at Finglas driving test centre for the Finglas driving test routes, you can click below

Click here


If you need help booking your driving test in Finglas driving test centre, click below

Click here







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