Automatic Driving Lessons In North Dublin Staying Calm

admin  —  May 5, 2020 — Leave a comment

Automatic Driving Lessons In North Dublin Staying Calm

Learning how to drive can be a very nerve-racking experience. As a new driver, there is a lot of information to learn all at once. This can seem very daunting and learner drivers can be highly anxious and stressed before they start their lesson. This is understandable of course, when, as a learner driver you see the whole picture of driving down busy roads using the clutch and brake and so on, it can be information overload. It is very important to break the driving experience down into manageable pieces. The RSA has designed the EDT Course to help with this. The EDT Course breaks the driving skills down into separate lessons. Only when a learner driver feels comfortable with the basic lessons like moving off and stopping, will they be allowed to go onto more advanced situations. So instead of thinking about the whole picture, thinking about small steps at a time can ease learner drivers mind.

Keeping calm when you are learning any new skill is the best way to learn. It can be easy to get flustered and not take the information in. When the driver feels like this, the lesson could be wasted as they cannot learn the technique needed to progress with their lesson. There are many skills and techniques you could use to focus your mind and I will share some of these with you know.

If I ever feel anxious or worried about something, thinking about it will not make it go away. One of the best ways to relax your mind and your heart rate is through deep breathing. This technique has been used for generations and everybody from sports stars to yoga instructors and even monks when they are meditating use this to quiet their mind and feel relaxed. Doing this before you get into the car with your instructor, in my opinion, is the best way to get ready to learn. Also, tell yourself that learning how to drive is easy for you and tell yourself you are confident works too. Always go into your lessons knowing you can do it and it is easy for you.

Another way to give yourself the best possible experience is being prepared. Being early for your lesson is the best way to be prepared. When you are late and you might have rushed to your lesson, your brain is working on overdrive and you are busy thinking about being late rather than focusing on the lesson ahead. Sometimes, this can’t be helped and arranging your lessons when you have free time is the best. When booking a lesson, it is wise to give yourself time after work. If you finish at 5 and book your lesson at 5:30 and you live 30 minutes away from where the lesson is taking place, that is a big rush and concentration will be extremely low. Always give yourself plenty of time to organise your thoughts.

Sometimes there can be personal problems and you cannot give your full attention. It is always wise to call ahead and maybe reschedule your lesson as trying to learn when there is something on your mind is very difficult. As your driving instructor, we want the best experience for you and usually, we can accommodate you. Always give as much notice as you can so we can fit another student in on that particular day.

Another way is to relax. We are here to help you. Don’t feel like you’re going to say the wrong thing as there are no wrong answers. You are here to learn and the more relaxed you are the more fun the learning experience.

Practice what you learned in previous lessons and keep the information relevant in your head and learning how to drive will be a fun experience for you.



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